This is a 90 minute session.
You will be asked about your current difficulties, complete questionnaires, a risk assessment and what your goals for therapy are.
As it will be the first time we meet you can answer as much as you feel comfortable with and ask any questions you may have. From there you decide if you would like to book further sessions.
This varies depending on what your goals are. CBT sessions can range from 6-20 sessions.
90 minute assessment session £95
Adult treatment session £70
Children and young people £70
All treatment sessions are 50 minutes.
The aim of CBT is to practise the skills and strategies you learn outside of the session, and from making changes in your daily life. We set homework together to build on the learning from the session. Homework will be reviewed in the following session.
After the assessment, I will write a brief letter to your GP to explain you have had an assessment and what the plan is.
If someone presents with a risk to themselves or others, we then discuss who this information needs to be shared with to ensure you are getting the right level of support
All sessions are to be paid for if cancelled with less than 48 hours notice.